You’re learning how to choose a career. You’ve got a clean slate.

    If I knew then what I know now, I’d be a millionaire.

    Lucky you. I’m about to light a klieg light on your path to riches.


    Start with Passion

    Does that sound cliche?

    It is. But only because most people misuse it.

    So, don’t listen to it.


    The first step in answering what career is right for me is passion. But it’s just a step.

    Your passion might be knitting on a desert island. Maybe you can do that, write a book, and make a million bucks.

    But probably not.

    So—start with passion, but don’t stop there.

    Why does passion Make a Great Career Finder?

    Every job has roadblocks. Passion slices through them like a lightsaber through ice cream.

    “You can learn most things on the job,” says John Mwangi, author of Life Growth 3.0“The challenge is getting employers to want to do that with YOU.”

    That means showing interest in the subject matter—and that comes from passion.

    “In the end, the heart wants what it wants,” Dalton says. “As a chemical engineer by training, it absolutely kills me to say that, but the truth is truth.”

    Do you know your passions?

    Sit down and daydream. Grab a coffee. Make it fun.

    List everything you love and all the things you’d love to do.

    Then move on. In the next section, we’ll blow the doors off on how to choose a career.

    Pro Tip: Do you already have a good job you don’t like? Don’t rush into massive changes.

    See if you can transform it into something better.

    See our life-changing product Life Growth PLR 3.0 "

    "I wish I had a million dollars"

    You don’t have to wish.

    As long as people need things, the world is a river of money.

    You just have to know where to dip your bucket in.

    When you ask, “Which job should I have,” or, “what career should I pursue,” wealth is a huge part of the answer.

    Do you want $200,000 a year? Is $100,000 enough?

    Or is wealth something else entirely?

    Some people make millions and they’re miserable.

    So—how to choose a career that makes you happy?

    Wealth Might Be:


    1.  $100,000 a year


    2.  Working 20 hours a week


    3.  Living in a fantastic location


    4.  City living


    5.  Lots of family time


    6.  Work you love


    7.  Travel


    8.  Country living


    9.  Working with amazing people   



    Could it be all of the above? Or something else?

    When choosing a career, be very clear at the beginning what you mean by “wealth.” 

    Pro Tip: 

    Will a career aptitude test answer what career should I haveNo. A career quiz or job quiz will ignore your passions. Tests aren’t how to choose a career.

    Here’s a career finder tip worth money—

    You might need to ping 10+ people to get 2–3 who say yes.

    When they do, ask:

    1.     Do you love your job?

    2.     How’s the money?

    3.     Was it hard to get there?

    4.     Would you do anything differently?

    5.     You’ll get an almost supernatural glimpse into your future.

    You’ll also build great networking connections to start your new career.

    Pro Tip: If your LinkedIn interviews get really interesting, ask to switch to phone calls. You’ll learn a lot more and build a deeper connection.


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